Sunday, September 5, 2010


For the first time EVER I had family come and visit and do the whole tourist thing!
My favourite cousin (on Mum's side) Leisa, her husband Gavin and their four kids came up from Bisbane in June for two weeks.
They managed to fit in quite a bit - including a few days in Katherine staying at Manbulloo.
The picture is missing Leisa and I (the photographers) and Arthur who was in bed.........
Despite having 14 people in the house we didn't seem to get under each others feet.
Leisa did bring her obsessive compulsive cleaning and washing habit to Darwin - I quickly knocked that on the head - be buggered if I'll have any of that in my house!!! I still love her despite this appalling habit!

1 comment:

Kim said...

those kids will remember that for ever as a real loving time