Saturday, August 8, 2009

Feeling Alive

We spent a magical 4 days out at the Vic river. I have titled the blog "Feeling Alive" because it was one of those weekends when everywhere you look there is incredible beauty and the energy of the place was just amazing. And sharing it with such good friends made it all the more special!

The Victoria river is about 200km west of Katherine and Damien (Nicky's husband - next to Arthur in the bridge picture) runs the construction company who are building the big-ass bridge across the river - I have included a picture, since it's his "baby" - a mighty fine erection Damien!

So while the crew were away for the long weekend we stayed in the camp (en suite accommodation, fully equipped/stocked kitchen - my kind of camping).

We spent hours on the river without seeing another soul, climbed an escarpment and the view from the top was breathtaking. We visited a croc farm (not opened to the public) and the station was nestled at the base of two escarpments - beautiful! We also watched helicopter mustering and the cattle were converging onto the station paddocks while we were there (how's that for timing!).
And I just want to say that the children absolutely DID NOT have a go at driving any of the big earth moving equipment - because that would be dangerous!
What a weekend! What an adventure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The children SOOOOO did have a go on the big machinery. Too Cool.