Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy Father's Day Arthur

What a spunk!!!!

What a fantastic Dad you are Arthur! You always find time to spend with your kids! They really look forward to fishing, playing cricket, trips to the park. And even though they drive you nuts you let them help you when your working in the yard/house - and what a big help they are - asking a million questions, loosing your screws constantly hammering you to give them a turn with the drill, tape measure...............

I was beside myself when Georgie was born - what was I suppose to do with this screaming little baby who would only shut up if she was attached to my blistered and bleeding nipples??? How many kilometres did you walk around nursing her so I could get some sleep?

The following is what your children wanted to say to you:-

Harrison says: My dad is strong, he's a good fisherman, he's good at catching big fish, I love him and hes' fun.
Connor says: Thanks for making the sand pit, I love him because he give us lures, he's fun to play with.
Grace says: He is good at cricket, he's funny and I love him.
Georgie says: He is fun to play with (i just wanted to be like the little kids!), not always very good at being cross with me - sometimes he just can't help being a smart aleck and the situation collapses (seriously OK with me!!) He can be very unfair when it comes to water/iced coffee/beer fights however he is a good listener when I have problem and he ALWAYS has time to listen!
Olivia says: Mum mum mum mum mum translated: I love you dad
What Tilley says about Uncle Arthur: Uncle Arthur is a very kind and loving person. He's smart and funny and I always value is opinion.

Arthur, you know I think you are a wonderful father! Your are a great husband and my best friend! I wouldn't change a second of the journey we have travelled together and I am looking forward to the rest of our journey! Your wife

Love your family

1 comment:

Kim said...

Leigh - I am finding Im checking your site daily now. Youve really ramped it up and I love the subjects you are getting into. Definately feeling the love.. just wondering when the mango madness is going to kik in.