Rember loved ones
Educate to reduce risk
Lend support at times of need
Advocate for cancer controls
Yes to survival
Last weekend was Relay for Life. As always the girls worked all year busking, selling chocolates, cooking sausages and baking cakes to raise money for cancer research. This year they called their team "Time Walkers" and the theme was 60's 70's & 80's.
They raised just over $2500.00
This is what our teenagers (and their friends) do! This is what they get excited about, this is what they get a kick out of! How special is that? Jeez...........talk about proud parents xo
We lit candles for and remembered with love and tears:
- Elizabeth Chain
- Maureen McDonald
- Collette Sherwood
- Barney Ward
- Gordon Ward
- Jim Ward
- Chris Ward
Theres no words for how I feel about this
Good on you girls. Amazing hearts.
P.S - Don't tell Georgie we used to dress like that hey?
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