I was a week over due and had been having contractions since about 5.30, but I tried to convince Arthur that it was a false alarm and I attempted to drive him to work..........I didn't stick with that theory for long - about 3kms actually!!
There are two things that stick most in my mind about Georgie's birth. The first was that I had an absolute bitch of a midwife with hairy underarms and a holier-then-thou attitude towards natural child birth. Secondly, despite Sr-bloody-Arnett's objections, Dr Scattini gave me an epidural at about 3.30 in the afternoon and let me tell you a big assed needle in your back, followed by that oh so beautiful warm sensation down your spine NEVER felt so good (shit mate, so I failed the childbirth class - I'm OK with that)!
Georgie's was born at 7.20pm, weighing in at 8lb 2 1/2 oz. Despite an enormous amount of pressure to name her, it took us 3 days and it was Arthur and my good friend Wendy who came up with her name.
Oh my goodness, Grace is a little clone of Georgie :)
Happy birthday xx the Sherwells
I liked both the piccys of Georgie Leigh.
Beautiful Georgie Girl. You can just see her kind heart shining through her eyes. You guys must be so proud of her. I like your graphic description of the whole child birth fiasco. You're better than me. I just said "Yeah any drugs you got are fine with me really." Not leaving out the pleading look I had in my eyes either. True. X
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