True to form, 8 hours into my labour with Harrison I was begging for an epidural! I often think of my mum who went into labour Tuesday afternoon (4th November), but I wasn't born until just before midnight the following night (5th - pls remember that date - I want a present!). How on earth do you do labour that long without some serious drugs?
So my beautiful boy was born 6.35am weighing just over 9lbs. I'd like to say he was a great baby but he so wasn't! I guess it didn't help that there is only 18months between him and Connor, but he was very demanding and had bad sleep habits (a shinning star compared to Grace though).
Out of all the kids, it's Harrison who knows best how to push my buttons - we clash something shocking. BUT, he is the "GO-TO" man of the house when Arthur's not home. And in the mornings when we're going out, it's Harrison who packs the cooler with drinks etc and the bag with nappies, spare clothes etc. He is generous, considerate and caring. Such a beautiful little man, sometimes I could just eat him!
Ps. The really bad picture is of Harrison after his big brother painted him with zinc cream!
Happy 6th Birthday Harrison
Those curls. Like Angels
I love Conner's hair in the first photo....how delicious.
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